Friday, November 9, 2012

full is empty ? yes, it is!

it is 2am. and a thought.
is full empty ?

Optimist : glass is half full. Pessimist : glass is half empty. Engineer : glass  has twice the volume it is holding.

now, what is the hardest substance ? for now, am going with diamond, keeping aside the present day scientific advancements. mohs scale of mineral hardness
diamond, is hardest. an allotrope of carbon. so is graphite. but is soft. reason : difference in spacial arrangement of carbon atoms.
in diamond, the carbon atoms are arranged in the form of cube at a length of 0.15 nm, forming covalent bond. the 4 valence electrons of 1 atom are shared with 4 of the other carbon atom.
dia of each electron : 0.0000056 nm
roughly 200000 electrons can be fitted in that cube length.
to get an estimate of the distance in our units... our avg height is 1.5m and the next person is roughly at 400 kms away. practically, the space in between is empty.

take water in the glass. at the angstrom level, it is empty. so is gas. so is everything. 
there is vast emptiness.

so, here are some questions / answers / confusions

is hard hard ? is soft hard ? 
but, full is definitely empty. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We, the people !

This city is very strange. literally.
Highly inhospitable. weather is always at its worst.
This city experienced few rains in last couple of weeks. It rained cats and dogs for 15 min and the traffic ground to a halt.
water water everywhere.
the highly acclaimed OMR (six lanes and has a toll booth) has knee deep water. 15 min of rain and this is the status.
यहाँ रोड में खड्डे नहीं है। खड्डे में रोड है .
the ECR is no better either. it has no footpath. one has to walk in flooded portions else he could be mowed down by a speeding bus / water tanker.
and, interestingly, no one complains.
people here are, donno what to say!
the roads are dug to accommodate underground drains and these channels are above the ground level. when authorities get to know that it was wrongly designed and not serving purpose, they will, may be, shell out more money to repair and dig again. sustained employment, you see!
the city has quite a bit of roads with road divider in the middle. yet, half the traffic is in the wrong direction, because 'U' turn is far off.
The buses stop in the middle lane of OMR for the passengers to get off / get in.
The share autos take a turn just about anywhere. no rules.
there is no hotel which serves dal-chawal, chapati-dal at night.
This is going to be endless list of complaints of a person who is an immigrant in this city.

why cant people here complain to get there city back in order ?

this is the answer i get : if city is in order, there will be more immigrants and may be that cant be tolerated.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Shades of the Sea

what is hell ? has anybody seen it ? well, i have. In my humble opinion, feeling very sleepy at 2330 hrs, time of year being last week of may(peak summer) , place being chennai and above all, POWER CUT. all of this in combination is the perfect recipe of hell.

another recipe, long and tiring day at office, totally hungry, with plans of cooking upma of all dishes (simple to cook). everything is almost set and about to start the fire, POWER CUT.

with these two events, happening on 2 consecutive days, was totally out of mind. next, a walk to the beach.

5min there and am at peace and in 1 single piece. i saw a boat on the shore and my mind responded f4 and 20s  should do the job. walked back home, collected my gear and walking again with a happy heart, started clicking.

Also decided to start a new collection of photos. Title being Shades of the Sea. Will see how far it goes. Will see how many shades i will be able to see.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

seeing is believing

what is found in mahabharatha, is found everywhere||
what is not found here, is found nowhere||

the dharma yuddha starts. Arjuna is confused. Lord Krishna gives upadesha. this is Bhagavad Gita.
during the course of upadesha, Arjuna wishes to see the cosmic form of Lord Krishna

मन्यसे यदि तत् शक्यं मया द्रष्टुं इति प्रभो|
योगेश्वर ततो मे त्वं दर्शय आत्मानं अव्ययं ||

manase - you think; yadi - if ; tat - that; shakyam - is able ; mayaa - by me;
drashtum - to be seen; iti - thus ; prabho - O Lord; yogeshwara- yoga -- eeshwara - Lord of all mystic powers; tatah - then; me - to me ; tvam - you; darshaya - show ; aatmanam - your true self ;
 avyayam - eternal;
if you think i am able to behold your cosmic form, o my lord, o master of all mystic powers, then kindly show me that unlimited universal self.

श्री भगवान उवाच -
न तु मां शक्यसे द्रष्टुं अनेन एव स्व चक्षुषा |
दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षुः पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम्  ||

na - never; tu - but; maam - me; shakyase - are able; drashtum - to see; anena - with these; eva- certainly;
sva chakshusa - your own eyes; divyam - divine; dadami - i give; te - toyou; chakshuhu - eyes;
pashya - see; me - my; yogamaishvaram - divine inconceivable mystic power;
But you cannot see me with your present eyes. therefore, i give you divine eyes. behold my inconceivable mystic form.

why all this excerpts from the bhagavad gita ?
in order to make arjuna see his mystic form, krishna had to give him special powers. the eyes which arjuna had were not of any use to see the divine form. ( equivalent to a 1000 suns etc etc etc this is only what sanjaya has seen because of divya drushti given by vyasa to give running commentary to dritharashtra. arjuna never spoke of what he saw and i speculate the vision sanjaya had was way more different than what arjuna had)
our eyes are tuned to be sensitive in the so called visible spectrum range ( about 390 nm to 750 nm ) in the electromagnetic spectrum
this leaves me with these questions...

what percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum can the human eye perceive ?
nature is way more than what meets the eye!
why has nature made us practically blind ? ( we get to perceive only a infinitesimally small percentage of electromagnetic radiation )
and-seeing is believing ???

Friday, February 24, 2012

the monk who sold his ferrari

disclaimer : i have not read the book.

the monk who sold his ferrari.

the title says - a monk who sold his ferrari.

if a person has a ferrari and decides to become a monk, why did he sell it ?
he should have given it in charity.

just a small humor... 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

bulletsu, bombsu & bhagavadgeete

|| सर्वे जनाः सुखिनोभवन्तु ||

this does not mean that people employed in the SURVEY department are happy.

it means let there be happiness to everyone. let everyone get the capacity to SURVEY their minds. 

-- ಬಿchi

seriously it is a bomb, in form of a bullet and with teachings of bhagavadgeete!