what is found in mahabharatha, is found everywhere||
what is not found here, is found nowhere||
the dharma yuddha starts. Arjuna is confused. Lord Krishna gives upadesha. this is Bhagavad Gita.
during the course of upadesha, Arjuna wishes to see the cosmic form of Lord Krishna
मन्यसे यदि तत् शक्यं मया द्रष्टुं इति प्रभो|
योगेश्वर ततो मे त्वं दर्शय आत्मानं अव्ययं ||
manase - you think; yadi - if ; tat - that; shakyam - is able ; mayaa - by me;
drashtum - to be seen; iti - thus ; prabho - O Lord; yogeshwara- yoga -- eeshwara - Lord of all mystic powers; tatah - then; me - to me ; tvam - you; darshaya - show ; aatmanam - your true self ;
avyayam - eternal;
if you think i am able to behold your cosmic form, o my lord, o master of all mystic powers, then kindly show me that unlimited universal self.
श्री भगवान उवाच -
न तु मां शक्यसे द्रष्टुं अनेन एव स्व चक्षुषा |
दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षुः पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम् ||
na - never; tu - but; maam - me; shakyase - are able; drashtum - to see; anena - with these; eva- certainly;
sva chakshusa - your own eyes; divyam - divine; dadami - i give; te - toyou; chakshuhu - eyes;
pashya - see; me - my; yogamaishvaram - divine inconceivable mystic power;
But you cannot see me with your present eyes. therefore, i give you divine eyes. behold my inconceivable mystic form.
why all this excerpts from the bhagavad gita ?
in order to make arjuna see his mystic form, krishna had to give him special powers. the eyes which arjuna had were not of any use to see the divine form. ( equivalent to a 1000 suns etc etc etc this is only what sanjaya has seen because of divya drushti given by vyasa to give running commentary to dritharashtra. arjuna never spoke of what he saw and i speculate the vision sanjaya had was way more different than what arjuna had)
our eyes are tuned to be sensitive in the so called visible spectrum range ( about 390 nm to 750 nm ) in the electromagnetic spectrum
this leaves me with these questions...
what percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum can the human eye perceive ?
nature is way more than what meets the eye!
why has nature made us practically blind ? ( we get to perceive only a infinitesimally small percentage of electromagnetic radiation )
and-seeing is believing ???