Thursday, December 23, 2010
its 0015 hrs.
a cup of strong black coffee for bitterness, editing photos from a recent trek ( where light is light and no metaphors) and Raag chandrakauns by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia in the background.
this is the way to unwind!
Monday, December 20, 2010
best reward
whats the best reward a teacher can get ?
after working as an Asst. Prof for a semester at my alma mater, Dept of Electrical Engineering, SJCE Mysore, i got the best reward a teacher can ever get. a student, after making himself into IITB, my alma mater again, calls me up to say he has made it to IIT B. now, after a semester there, he still remembers me and is coming to meet me. what more can a teacher, who taught them for a semester can ask for ?
I still remember the first day of this class. My first hour as a teacher.
Having enjoyed teaching to the core, i will always want to be a teacher.
after working as an Asst. Prof for a semester at my alma mater, Dept of Electrical Engineering, SJCE Mysore, i got the best reward a teacher can ever get. a student, after making himself into IITB, my alma mater again, calls me up to say he has made it to IIT B. now, after a semester there, he still remembers me and is coming to meet me. what more can a teacher, who taught them for a semester can ask for ?
I still remember the first day of this class. My first hour as a teacher.
Having enjoyed teaching to the core, i will always want to be a teacher.
Friday, December 17, 2010
today morning at 11, i felt i woke up from a wonderful dream. it was definitely like the movie inception because there were dreams in that dream.
given a chance, would like to make that strongly bound net of dreams, a reality !
given a chance, would like to make that strongly bound net of dreams, a reality !
Thursday, December 16, 2010
bitter truth
A : I want to talk.
B : about what ?
A : about anything.
B : about weather ?, gulping the last sip of bitter, strong, sugarless black coffee.
B : about what ?
A : about anything.
B : about weather ?, gulping the last sip of bitter, strong, sugarless black coffee.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
anomalies in thoughts. once this. once that. life!
am in unfathomable abyss, where its all dark. no light can reach.
think, i can use this quote : "lost in the vast abysses of space and time" - Loren Eiseley
अँधेरा कायम रहे!
am in unfathomable abyss, where its all dark. no light can reach.
think, i can use this quote : "lost in the vast abysses of space and time" - Loren Eiseley
अँधेरा कायम रहे!
Friday, December 3, 2010
who are we ?
travelling somewhere always has uncertainties, some or the other uncertainties. yet, with least or very little tension in out minds, about these uncertainties, we set on our journeys. what gives us this confidence ? its the trust we have in our inventions - here in this case, the automobiles we choose to travel!
in inventions, we trust!
After spending 5 days, riding 1438 km with my trusty mate, last 500 km or so in extreme weather, realized quite a lot!
the western ghat region between jog and honnavar is truly awesome. in some blog, i had read that honnavar has a beach. and on this cloudy evening of oct 30th, got the first glimpse of the sun. it was 1730 hrs and 20 kms to reach honnavar, in the extreme ghat. the curves are too sharp and maintaining speed of 30kmph avg was taking its toll. on one of the hair pin bends, i had leaned so much that the left footrest scraped against the bitumen. it was literally a race between us and the sun - either we get to reach the beach and watch the sun set or the sun goes down, without we seeing him. after we reached honnavar, sun decided to hide behind thick clouds. so we lost or he won, is not the question. the matter of concern is now - the trust we have on our mates. trusting the rubber, we lean to negotiate a curve. we dont hesitate to rev up to 8000 rpm, without bothering about the timing chain. thats the trust we have, on our mates!
reached honnavar and asked a school going kid - how to reach the beach ? he says - there is no beach in honnavar. while me and ninad we discussing about the site where i had got that info, an elderly man asked us - whats the confusion ? we said - i was told that there is a beach here but this kid says there is none. he said - there is a beach called sharavathi beach, 2 kms from here and led us there. took some photographs and enjoyed the sight of the mighty ocean. we are nothing in front of it! i literally forgot where i was, who i am and was enjoying the bliss, the trance seeing the energetic waves.
mighty oceans, long straight highways, our mates in whom we trust, make us really feel insignificant.
my friend, ludwig beerman has rightly put it here : lost
in inventions, we trust!
After spending 5 days, riding 1438 km with my trusty mate, last 500 km or so in extreme weather, realized quite a lot!
the western ghat region between jog and honnavar is truly awesome. in some blog, i had read that honnavar has a beach. and on this cloudy evening of oct 30th, got the first glimpse of the sun. it was 1730 hrs and 20 kms to reach honnavar, in the extreme ghat. the curves are too sharp and maintaining speed of 30kmph avg was taking its toll. on one of the hair pin bends, i had leaned so much that the left footrest scraped against the bitumen. it was literally a race between us and the sun - either we get to reach the beach and watch the sun set or the sun goes down, without we seeing him. after we reached honnavar, sun decided to hide behind thick clouds. so we lost or he won, is not the question. the matter of concern is now - the trust we have on our mates. trusting the rubber, we lean to negotiate a curve. we dont hesitate to rev up to 8000 rpm, without bothering about the timing chain. thats the trust we have, on our mates!
reached honnavar and asked a school going kid - how to reach the beach ? he says - there is no beach in honnavar. while me and ninad we discussing about the site where i had got that info, an elderly man asked us - whats the confusion ? we said - i was told that there is a beach here but this kid says there is none. he said - there is a beach called sharavathi beach, 2 kms from here and led us there. took some photographs and enjoyed the sight of the mighty ocean. we are nothing in front of it! i literally forgot where i was, who i am and was enjoying the bliss, the trance seeing the energetic waves.
mighty oceans, long straight highways, our mates in whom we trust, make us really feel insignificant.
my friend, ludwig beerman has rightly put it here : lost
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
can there be light ?
can people be good or bad ?
no. they can be irritating or disgusting and the ones one does prefer to seek.
anyways, can a child learn to walk in a day ? its tumbles, fumbles, seeks support and eventually, one fine day, lo and behold, its walking straight up!
the obvious
last thing one would ever want hear is - its disgusting to hear you talk.
and silent darkness prevailed.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
romancing the roads
am all excited and just waiting for the clocks to hit 0500 hrs, 30th oct. all though its been a regular affair, to hit the highways often, this time its a long honeymoon with my babe-my machine - aka my bike. just waiting for the 1400 kms long ride over a span of 5 days.
Friday, October 22, 2010
some day...
if one looks at the photograph carefully, the right leg of first three elephants are forward, in coordination. looks similar to out skilled soldiers marching at the republic day parade. seems that they know what they are upto.
animals know what they are upto. may be we will all know what we are, what we are up to one day. some day...
Monday, October 18, 2010
last week, was in search of some breeze and had been to lalbagh. to sit on the the rock, near the kempegowda monument - to have some time for self. there were so many people. man - where can somebody find peace in bengaluru ??? the air was totally still and not even a leaf was moving. the air was so damn still.
the friday s ride back home did some magic. the expected magic did happen at the right time, when i had stopped for tea and calling my folks to tell them about my whereabouts.
the whether was very pleasant. it had just rained and was pretty chilly when the speed touched 100 kmph.
there on the road, i feel, the stretch between mysore and bangalore should not called a highway. there, every 500 m or so, a shop crops up. and it is very similar to a busy road in any city but has fast moving traffic.
in the earlier days when human civilizations were developing, people use to live where they could find a water source, say a lake or a river. these day, people start living where they find a highway. :D
when i reached mysore, was very happy to see that it was all decorated and looked like a bride.
Friday, October 15, 2010
very accommodative
the only good thing about mumbai is that is has a sea shore and one can feel the sea.loved staring at the sea and have done it for hours. the sea breeze which would engulf me, i would feel it has something to say. its so accommodative...
of late, have been missing the sea quite a lot. today evening, while getting drenched in the rain, i missed the sea
and its breeze so much that its here.going in search of breeze. hope to find some breeze ( capt haddock s expression for a gale :) ) in tomorrows ride back home, to pump some adrenalin in my blood stream.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
to bend
i had an awesome professor who once said - i have been here so long that i know how to break the rules without even bending them.
this post is definitely not about bending rules or breaking rules.
in Indian culture, why do we prostrate in front of our elders, gods or doctrines ? its actually a way to show respect, our submissiveness.
the seer of siddaganga mutt, sri shivakumar swamiji is very learned and is very old too. he has a hunch back. In a kannada movie by name - matha - the protagonist rightly says - his hunch back indicates that, whatever heights the person may reach, one should always remain humble.
generally, coconut trees grow straight up. but, on sea shores, they are bent. to resist the gale they face.
now that why should a person bend is known, how much can a person bend ?
Monday, October 11, 2010
am curious as to whats happening...
curious as to whats going to happen...
curious to know time...
curious to know will parallel lines ever meet...
curious to know when and where they meet...
curious to know the ending...
curious to know nature...
curious to know why trees lose all their leaves...
curious to know how plants communicate...
curious to know if i will ever meet an alien...
curious to know whats beyond...
curious to know why this is being written...
curious to know whether this makes any sense...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
maut ke saaye...
this always reminds of the line - silence before the storm.
and the following lines sung by john abraham in the song - yeh hai meri kahani - from the movie zinda.
बजाय प्यार की शबनम मेरे गुलिस्तान में
बरसते रहते है हर सिंत मौत के साये
सियाहियों से उलझ पड़ती हैं मेरी आँखें
कोई नहीं .. कोई भी नहीं जो बतलाये
कितनी देर उजालों की राह देखे
कोई नहीं है कोई भी नहीं
न पास न दूर
यह प्यार है
दिल की धड़कन
अपनी चाहत का जो एलान किये जाती है
ज़िन्दगी है जो जिए जाती है
खून के बूंद पिए जाती है
ख्वाब काटों से सिये जाती है
Friday, October 8, 2010
Caring Hands
these hands could have been doing something else. but, they do this job. some job, with honesty, to support their family, to make both ends meet.
its caring heart.
its caring heart.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
hope of life...
its 0030 hrs and its pouring cats and dogs. and here i am busy in thoughts.
hope. a reason to... a reason for everything.
hope that this light, found recently, stays with me, forever!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
thoughts are cluttered yet again.
lets say, there is a thought. this thought can become a reality. or it might not. so, the probability of that thought becoming a reality is 50%. mind is like railway locomotive (diesel). i need to be precise here. :) diesel locos are put to halt only when they are decommissioned or when they are under repairs. else, the loco is always idling, if not pulling a train of coaches or wagons behind. like wise, brain also never comes to rest and thoughts are always in process.
now, with probability of 50% as starting point, thoughts build and it might take a certain higher value. when reality arrives, this thought which is at a higher value, has to take value of 0 or 1. reaching 1 is not difficult as it has already reached it or some where near it. reaching 0 is a problem as it has to come all the way down and if its not possible, then system may collapse.
so, to prevent the system from collapsing, its better not to fuzzify things, even though life is fuzzy - things which are not white are not black. there are shades of gray. treat the thought with probability of 0 until its 1. certain thoughts can never be in parts. its either there or no there.
but then and but still,
उम्मीद पे दुनिया खायं है!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
crack !
crack : 1. gone to nuts, a nut case 2. may be used as border to differeniate imaginary rights, used as boundaries 3. broken, shattered
whenever i travel by train, i get my seat reserved. if the journey is from mysore, i always find somebody or the other all ready sitting on the seat. then the usual fight for seat as i exercise my right as i have a valid reserved ticket. what a wonderful way to start a journey! this time, there was a very aged lady and i dint want to argue. so, managed my self and finished 'the week' i had purchased. rest was very uneventful. not that this was eventful and worth few words.
reached bangalore and my mind was in chaos.took the subway and came up to wonder station has changed - where is the exit ? then realised that i was on platform 2-3 and exit was beyond that. reached outside and there was a downpur. again, i thought, getting drenched in rain is a nice idea as it can help me wash chaos and ease things a little. so, walked towards majestic bustand, in the heavy rain. its a nice feeling to walk in the rain, in always crowded majestic (now not a person to be seen). reached bus stand, all drenched, to find out it had stopped raining. with everybody staring at me with wierd expression on their faces, i could read their faces. it said - what a crack! nut case ! they all had taken some shelter and i was the only one dripping wet.
may be i made a laughing stock of myself, but who cares, as long as i enjoyed the uncrowed majestic and beautiful rain!
the recent judgement on ayodhya, decided where god should stay. this is heights! who are we to say that when whole of this universe is his creation ? and it took 60 years to pass this lousy judgement, without realising that god is GOD.
was wondering what are the things, which when, once broken, shattered, cannot be repaired ?
milk to curds. curd is something good but its never milk again.
a cracked mirror. we might buy a new one, but the old one is gone.
any more suggestions ?
whenever i travel by train, i get my seat reserved. if the journey is from mysore, i always find somebody or the other all ready sitting on the seat. then the usual fight for seat as i exercise my right as i have a valid reserved ticket. what a wonderful way to start a journey! this time, there was a very aged lady and i dint want to argue. so, managed my self and finished 'the week' i had purchased. rest was very uneventful. not that this was eventful and worth few words.
reached bangalore and my mind was in chaos.took the subway and came up to wonder station has changed - where is the exit ? then realised that i was on platform 2-3 and exit was beyond that. reached outside and there was a downpur. again, i thought, getting drenched in rain is a nice idea as it can help me wash chaos and ease things a little. so, walked towards majestic bustand, in the heavy rain. its a nice feeling to walk in the rain, in always crowded majestic (now not a person to be seen). reached bus stand, all drenched, to find out it had stopped raining. with everybody staring at me with wierd expression on their faces, i could read their faces. it said - what a crack! nut case ! they all had taken some shelter and i was the only one dripping wet.
may be i made a laughing stock of myself, but who cares, as long as i enjoyed the uncrowed majestic and beautiful rain!
the recent judgement on ayodhya, decided where god should stay. this is heights! who are we to say that when whole of this universe is his creation ? and it took 60 years to pass this lousy judgement, without realising that god is GOD.
was wondering what are the things, which when, once broken, shattered, cannot be repaired ?
milk to curds. curd is something good but its never milk again.
a cracked mirror. we might buy a new one, but the old one is gone.
any more suggestions ?
Sunday, October 3, 2010
itchy feet - 2
mind has reached a stage, where its cluttered. seems like its in a cetrifuge, at very high rpm.
now that, what makes a person fall in love with the city the person lives in, is known, mind has lost clarity.
certain things may seem beautiful when masked.
but, for mind, for the process of thought, things have to be clear. to be precise, hopelessly clear.
बस. यह शहर रास नहीं आया!
better strategies!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
itchy feet
what makes somebody like the city they live in ?
being born there ? people around them ? the job they do ? the independence and the interdependence the city offers ? the food, water ? the culture ? the beauty of the city ?
beats me...
spent initial 3 years of my life in mysore. the next 4 in mandya. next 15 years again in mysore. next couple of years in the city of mumbai. and now in bangalore for 9 months. yet, am unable to decide which is my favorite city of these and why.
or may be i now know...
being born there ? people around them ? the job they do ? the independence and the interdependence the city offers ? the food, water ? the culture ? the beauty of the city ?
beats me...
spent initial 3 years of my life in mysore. the next 4 in mandya. next 15 years again in mysore. next couple of years in the city of mumbai. and now in bangalore for 9 months. yet, am unable to decide which is my favorite city of these and why.
or may be i now know...
Everything in the name of GOD
its definitely not that am atheist. but, pleasing GOD at what cost ???
spiritual texts, which i follow, do say that there is a definite way to perform puja of the Vignavinashaka, our friendly neighbourhood Ganesha. but, these spiritual texts never say anything about the procedure of doing visarjana of the same. But, presently, there is a big idol of Ganesha in every street. on the third day, or on the 11 th day or the 21st day, our friendly neighourhood ganesha departs, with lots of baja-bajantri, ruckus, crackers bursting, creating lots of traffic jams, ambulances getting stuck in these jams. Ganesha blesses the one who does puja. but, without putting others in inconvenience, the ganapati pooja is never complete these days.
today, on the 30th of september, 2010, the much awaited Ayodhya Verdict is to be delivered by the Allahabad highcourt. in view of the violent reactions to the ruling, security has been beefed up. offices were closed down at 1330 hrs. the transportation facilities also suffered, because of which, there were many who were stranded outside the -so called - Tech Parks.
while i was waiting for my friends, i had a chance to look around and think. there were people with cars who were dropping their colleagues. even the 2 buses which were running, were too crowded to get in. worse than mumbai local. people in formals, i-card on their neck, like a noose were found in luggage vans, travelling to their destinations. when people were asking for lift, a car simply sped away. can ppl be so insensitive ?
anyways, all these ppl stranded were stranded because of whose fault ?
Dear God,
Do walk away Do walk away
the world is burning. my heart is yearning
Do walk away.
spiritual texts, which i follow, do say that there is a definite way to perform puja of the Vignavinashaka, our friendly neighbourhood Ganesha. but, these spiritual texts never say anything about the procedure of doing visarjana of the same. But, presently, there is a big idol of Ganesha in every street. on the third day, or on the 11 th day or the 21st day, our friendly neighourhood ganesha departs, with lots of baja-bajantri, ruckus, crackers bursting, creating lots of traffic jams, ambulances getting stuck in these jams. Ganesha blesses the one who does puja. but, without putting others in inconvenience, the ganapati pooja is never complete these days.
today, on the 30th of september, 2010, the much awaited Ayodhya Verdict is to be delivered by the Allahabad highcourt. in view of the violent reactions to the ruling, security has been beefed up. offices were closed down at 1330 hrs. the transportation facilities also suffered, because of which, there were many who were stranded outside the -so called - Tech Parks.
while i was waiting for my friends, i had a chance to look around and think. there were people with cars who were dropping their colleagues. even the 2 buses which were running, were too crowded to get in. worse than mumbai local. people in formals, i-card on their neck, like a noose were found in luggage vans, travelling to their destinations. when people were asking for lift, a car simply sped away. can ppl be so insensitive ?
anyways, all these ppl stranded were stranded because of whose fault ?
Dear God,
Do walk away Do walk away
the world is burning. my heart is yearning
Do walk away.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
shunya. : n.
think that should explain it all!
its such a beautiful concept.the whole universe has it. its such a place where light cannot be seen. sound cannot be heard. there is nothing to be felt. right from inter galactic space to inter orbital space, there is void. there is shunya.
but then, its present in thoughts too. we feel emptiness, void to be filled.
so, its definitely not just - not having matter. its something more.
in thoughts... there is a need to be filled...
think that should explain it all!
its such a beautiful concept.the whole universe has it. its such a place where light cannot be seen. sound cannot be heard. there is nothing to be felt. right from inter galactic space to inter orbital space, there is void. there is shunya.
but then, its present in thoughts too. we feel emptiness, void to be filled.
so, its definitely not just - not having matter. its something more.
in thoughts... there is a need to be filled...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
...and there was light !
ಈ ಕತ್ತಲೆ ಕಣ್ಣಿಗೆ ನೀನಾದೆ ಬೆಳಕು...
light is much appreciated when one has lived in darkness. simply remembered the dialogue - bijlee - said by a old lady in the movie swades.
just imagine the expression of a face when one has found inner light - light in the eyes.
Friday, September 24, 2010
may be its time...
after the kadur by-elections, the congress and the JDS have accused BJP of distributing money to voters.
the hindu - link
am seriously not bothered which party is accusing and which is getting accused. what am bothered is about the feelings and sentiments of the voters - we the people - involved.
Some party accuses the other of distributing money. This party is in turn accusing the people of taking the money and voting. This some party is also forgetting that small portion who actually voted for them and its forgetting that it needs to approach the same set of - people - in the next elections.
may be its time for these parties to learn.
may be its time for - we the people - to start to THINK...
the hindu - link
am seriously not bothered which party is accusing and which is getting accused. what am bothered is about the feelings and sentiments of the voters - we the people - involved.
Some party accuses the other of distributing money. This party is in turn accusing the people of taking the money and voting. This some party is also forgetting that small portion who actually voted for them and its forgetting that it needs to approach the same set of - people - in the next elections.
may be its time for these parties to learn.
may be its time for - we the people - to start to THINK...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
what if ... ?
First, we are all animals. Then, we can call ourselves - humans - if and only if we are sure that we are not bit by our conscience. leaving this apart, we as animals, have good, meaning, pretty good sense of smell, taste, touch, vision and hearing. The only problem with this sensory thing is that, it saturates. It stops tingling the brain after some time. effects of this behaviour would be :
a) The first bite of ice-cream, coffee, apple ( keep any food item here) is always tasty. the further bites is no longer sweet or tasty as the first time.
b) Amazing sight of a waterfall is orgasmic. after 5 min of staring and enjoyment, its not interesting anymore.
c) Beautiful song or voice , when heard for first time, is enthralling. we hear it again and again, playing the song back to back. this lasts for a day ? or two ? or probably for an hour until we play another song.
the point is - we get USED TO.
Be it any situation, we get used to.
so, what if, our senses never saturated ? what if our senses would always tingle our brain, when ever we are exposed to such exciting sitiations ?
because of this, the apple / ice-cream would always taste sweet ! every bite would be relished and enjoyed.
But, its best that its not that way. the agony of loosing someone would always tingle the brain. Getting used to for not having the someone would have been impossible.
A perfect nights sleep would then have been impossible !
sleeping peacefully - in a group to conserve heat (actually) |
a) The first bite of ice-cream, coffee, apple ( keep any food item here) is always tasty. the further bites is no longer sweet or tasty as the first time.
b) Amazing sight of a waterfall is orgasmic. after 5 min of staring and enjoyment, its not interesting anymore.
c) Beautiful song or voice , when heard for first time, is enthralling. we hear it again and again, playing the song back to back. this lasts for a day ? or two ? or probably for an hour until we play another song.
the point is - we get USED TO.
Be it any situation, we get used to.
so, what if, our senses never saturated ? what if our senses would always tingle our brain, when ever we are exposed to such exciting sitiations ?
because of this, the apple / ice-cream would always taste sweet ! every bite would be relished and enjoyed.
But, its best that its not that way. the agony of loosing someone would always tingle the brain. Getting used to for not having the someone would have been impossible.
A perfect nights sleep would then have been impossible !
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I have always been a fan of the character "Terminator", especially the T800 of the Judgement Day. It was programed in the future to save a particular kid from T1000, an advanced prototype, and was sent back in time. The T800 was not programed to self terminate.
The emotionless face, the sense of having no pain, a stern grin and a chiseled body. even my hairdo is inspired from this character and i keep it as often as possible, since my student days.
I particularly like the behaviour as a machine. no pain even when there are infinite bullet wounds on the back. the attitude of completing the mission, whatever the case may be.
and, am deeply moved when the T800 says " I now know why you cry. Thats something i can never do". Even though T800 was not programed to self terminate, the chip inside needed to be destroyed, to ensure the safety of the kid who had programed it. allowing itself into a couldron of molten iron, T800 gives a thumbs-up until the last bit is melted.
may be, its worth it. to be a machine. to be expendable. to complete the mission, no matter what it takes.even death.
The emotionless face, the sense of having no pain, a stern grin and a chiseled body. even my hairdo is inspired from this character and i keep it as often as possible, since my student days.
I particularly like the behaviour as a machine. no pain even when there are infinite bullet wounds on the back. the attitude of completing the mission, whatever the case may be.
and, am deeply moved when the T800 says " I now know why you cry. Thats something i can never do". Even though T800 was not programed to self terminate, the chip inside needed to be destroyed, to ensure the safety of the kid who had programed it. allowing itself into a couldron of molten iron, T800 gives a thumbs-up until the last bit is melted.
may be, its worth it. to be a machine. to be expendable. to complete the mission, no matter what it takes.even death.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
some stuff for self
Hebbe falls. a beautiful water falls, abt 8 km from kemmangundi. the path leading towards the falls is totally leech infested. had 12 leech bites, inspite of potion from jaggi ( the MAN who has completed about 60 treks).
keeping these general stuff aside, the mere sight of the falls is orgasmic. waded in knee deep waters to capture a simple pic of the falls. too much mist on the lens. had a tough time focussing. so, decided to keep the beautiful sight in the photographic memory.
falls is beautiful. definitely worth a visit every monsoon. same old feeling of nature soothing, healing, caring ...guess, am getting addicted for this pleasure. saying this because i cancel a lot of personal engagements for the sheer pleasure of being amidst nature, not even caring how body reacts towards the insane exposure to winds, rain and cold. anyways, nobody opposes if one is addicted to nature and its beauty and its love towards us.
irony is, at the bottom of the falls, me and atul were discussing about the energy content in the falls and how could we solve energy crisis by a little amount.
no wonder i ll think of f11 and 1 /250 s when am viewing a beautiful sunset with ....
keeping these general stuff aside, the mere sight of the falls is orgasmic. waded in knee deep waters to capture a simple pic of the falls. too much mist on the lens. had a tough time focussing. so, decided to keep the beautiful sight in the photographic memory.
falls is beautiful. definitely worth a visit every monsoon. same old feeling of nature soothing, healing, caring ...guess, am getting addicted for this pleasure. saying this because i cancel a lot of personal engagements for the sheer pleasure of being amidst nature, not even caring how body reacts towards the insane exposure to winds, rain and cold. anyways, nobody opposes if one is addicted to nature and its beauty and its love towards us.
irony is, at the bottom of the falls, me and atul were discussing about the energy content in the falls and how could we solve energy crisis by a little amount.
no wonder i ll think of f11 and 1 /250 s when am viewing a beautiful sunset with ....
Thursday, August 12, 2010
feel that this song is made for this pic. or the pic is made for the song. or both the song and pic are made for each other. :D
Munjaane manjalli.. Mussanje tilitampalli...
Munjaane manjalli.. Mussanje tilitampalli...
O Olave neenelli.. Hudukaata ninaginelli..
Nannedeyolage nee ilidu..
Janamanada mouna muridu..
Bisi usirannu nee bagedu..
Nittusirannu nee tagedu..
Kuntallu neene.. Nintallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Kannallu neene.. Kanasallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Nana nennegalu neene.. Naalegalu neene.. Endendu neene sakhi...
Aavarisu.. Maidumbi..
Baanallu neene.. Buviyallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Novallu neene.. Nagavallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Nana nennegalu neene.. Naalegalu neene.. Endendu neene sakhi...
Aavarisu.. Maidumbi..
Tampallu neene.. Bisilallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Hasirallu neene.. Usirallu neene.. Ellellu neene sakhi..
Nana nennegalu neene.. Naalegalu neene.. Endendu neene sakhi...
Aavarisu.. Maidumbi..
Movie : Just maat maatalli
Music : Raghu Dixit
Singer : Raghu Dixit
Monday, August 9, 2010
Save Our Tigers
Recently i saw an ad on TV stating that number of tigers have gone up from 1411 to 1600. well, 14 of these are cute little cubs of bannerghatta, bangalore. and, i also got the answer for the question : are these really tigers ?
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true gentleman |
There is safari ride in bannerghatta and this gentleman was enjoying his lazy saturday afternoon. ( i could have also done the same, but had preferred not to.)
Our bus was, say, just a couple of meters of away from this gentleman. And, we, the people, inside the bus, were screaming, creating ruckus. To this gentleman, we were the juglees and we were caged in that bus. It never lost its cool. Behaved like a true gentleman and tolerated us.
But, is a tiger supposed to be this gentle ? Tigers in bannerghatta are not allowed to hunt, they are well fed. will they survive the harsh jungle ?
Tigers are supposed to be tigers and not gentleman. We need 1600 tigers and not gentlemen who are well fed and kept in zoo, safari as show pieces.
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we want these and not show pieces |
Monday, July 26, 2010
When two worlds collide...
recently, visited bannerghatta national park. when i visited last time, a lioness and 2 tigresses were mothers in the making. this time, i heard the good news that there are 7 lion cubs, out of which 3 are males and 14 tiger cubs. no wonder, at this rate, the tiger numbers are definitely showing an upward trend. But, are these tigers really tigers ??? thats a question which hit my head like a jolt and am looking for an answer.
one thing i learnt is that, the Bannerghatta national park has jungle beauties which are more cute and cuddleable than looking ferocious.
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When 2 worlds collide - the anger and pain of those who remain |
Friday, July 23, 2010
was googling CVT today, as i wanted to know more about Continuously Variable Transmissions. But, google gave me a new expansion for the acronym
CVT : Center for Victims of Torture
CVT : Center for Victims of Torture
Thursday, June 10, 2010
the Ending of time
here i found that, there are two types of time. one is the normal time as in time of day. and the other is the psychological time as in ... yet to figure out.
Enough of prerequisite. keeping that aside, 'I' was initially associated with "US" so that "we" could identify ourselves amongst "US". Over "time", 'I' started comparing with 'I'. recursively. 'I' sought happiness in "betterment". 'I' literally fought with previous 'I' for this "betterment" .now, "betterment" in what sense, i do not know.

no sorrow...just the sense of nothingness...
Jiddu Krishnamurti, noted modern philosopher and David Bohm, a noted theoritical Physicist put it this way in their "the ending of time"
...with the end of 'I' or 'me', the psychological time ends. and so, there is no hope. all that is finished, ended. In the ending of it, there is sense of nothingness. and nothingness is this whole universe. ...
...we are trying to find out what happens when the 'I', which is time, has completely come to an end. I believe Buddha is supposed to have said 'Nirvana' and Hindus call is 'Moksha'...
Enough of prerequisite. keeping that aside, 'I' was initially associated with "US" so that "we" could identify ourselves amongst "US". Over "time", 'I' started comparing with 'I'. recursively. 'I' sought happiness in "betterment". 'I' literally fought with previous 'I' for this "betterment" .now, "betterment" in what sense, i do not know.

no sorrow...just the sense of nothingness...
Jiddu Krishnamurti, noted modern philosopher and David Bohm, a noted theoritical Physicist put it this way in their "the ending of time"
...with the end of 'I' or 'me', the psychological time ends. and so, there is no hope. all that is finished, ended. In the ending of it, there is sense of nothingness. and nothingness is this whole universe. ...
...we are trying to find out what happens when the 'I', which is time, has completely come to an end. I believe Buddha is supposed to have said 'Nirvana' and Hindus call is 'Moksha'...
now, what "ending of time" actually means is that its "beginning of something". that something am yet to figure out.
but one thing am sure. when Vyasarajaru asked kanakadasa as to who can attain moksha, kanakadasa rightly said " Naanu Hodare Hodenu". meaning " if 'I' ends, i may go"
Thursday, May 27, 2010
colorful marathahalli

Marathahalli was(is) a village. now, its a place where clothes/shoes/other fashion accessories of all brands are available. alas, there not a tree in sight on the main road. if one wants a felt tip pen for sketching or a bottle of ink for their fountain pen, there is not a single stationery shop in a 2km radius. if one names peter england, allan solly, levis or arrow, that is readily available.
but on 22nd night, the market place of marathahalli was all colorful. a perfect dose of past culture for the prevailing.
karaga pooja in progress.. ..

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Last week had been to lepakshi. the usual way. me and my companions - my bike and my nikon. was also accompanied by Ninad Kularni. for more info on lepakshi -
PS : 1 peculiarity one has to observe :
the main deity is lord Veerabhadreshwara ( lord shiva) and the pooja is done by a shree vaishnavite. this, i felt was peculiar as i was seeing this combination for the first time.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Manifestation of Infinity
I experienced the "bliss" on friday night. i can recollect the journey to a ms. the main reason for this post is the .......... i donno what to say. my intution simply tells me to write ahead.
the second leg of the journey when i felt "bliss", the ambience was scary, i mean to say it was not comfortable for the ride. dark, lightning, thunders, rain. nature was concerned enough not to scare me much :).
i felt this "bliss", when it was this scary, when nature was not in its full form. i simply wonder as to how scary it should be when nature shows its full form.
no wonder lord krishna took back the memory of arjuna after giving him the sight of Vishwaroopa.
ps : it was such a situation that i dint want to take a photograph and i dont regret not taking a photograph :)
the second leg of the journey when i felt "bliss", the ambience was scary, i mean to say it was not comfortable for the ride. dark, lightning, thunders, rain. nature was concerned enough not to scare me much :).
i felt this "bliss", when it was this scary, when nature was not in its full form. i simply wonder as to how scary it should be when nature shows its full form.
no wonder lord krishna took back the memory of arjuna after giving him the sight of Vishwaroopa.
ps : it was such a situation that i dint want to take a photograph and i dont regret not taking a photograph :)
last week, my mind was a little too turbulant. felt the thoughts were having Re >6000. not that, i have laminar flow of thoughts always, but this time the turbulance was different. felt, this has to be cut or this will tear me apart. as my cousin says, that my ideas are generally insane, so was this. decided to go home ( i do this almost everyweek end and this is perfectly sane ) on my bike (done this almost 15 times now - pretty sane) at night ( now, this is what ppl termed as insane ! ).
left my place at marathalli at 7 PM only to find that ring road had a big jam, extending till HSR layout. if i had a loaf of bread, there was ample of jam. jokes apart, the traffic condition was pathetic. somehow, managed to reach the junction of mysore road and it was 2115 hrs. 2 hrs 15 min for a 27 km ride. phew, was sweatting and loosing patience, big time!
highway was pretty cool. riding in the dark ( done this before on a 4 wheeler ) is nice. cool breez soothes. it feels awesome.
i reached maddur at about 2230 hrs and it was pretty cold. hands were too numb to press the clutch. so, stopped for cutting chai and there it was - power cut ! that made things better.
all alone in the highway - my bikes headlamp is the only source of light - sky is overcast. things went on getting better. wind speed started to increase, only adding to my pleasure. followed by brilliant flashes of lighning and suddering sounds of thunder. just imagine - dark road, overcast sky, not cool breeze but brilliant gale, sense of being pushed aside, streaks of lightning ahead of me and wet road in front of me. i felt am chasing storms. completely drenched by then, owe it to showers accompanied by hailstones. for the nth time, i realised the importance of the wiper on the visor of my helmet.
amidst all this, i was feeling happy internally. all the turbulance had subsided. all the things were sorted out and things were in places. this type of happiness is what i usually long for. i generally get this when am amidst nature and when nature shows itself in full form. be it clicking or be it riding - i find this happiness and i long for this. there are not many times i have found this type of happiness. so i call it "bliss".
reached home at 2330 hrs, drenched and tired. got warnings as to not to try for this type of happiness again.
i do not plan to ride this way in the near future.
but, what a ride !!!
personally speaking , jo bhi tha, accha tha !
left my place at marathalli at 7 PM only to find that ring road had a big jam, extending till HSR layout. if i had a loaf of bread, there was ample of jam. jokes apart, the traffic condition was pathetic. somehow, managed to reach the junction of mysore road and it was 2115 hrs. 2 hrs 15 min for a 27 km ride. phew, was sweatting and loosing patience, big time!
highway was pretty cool. riding in the dark ( done this before on a 4 wheeler ) is nice. cool breez soothes. it feels awesome.
i reached maddur at about 2230 hrs and it was pretty cold. hands were too numb to press the clutch. so, stopped for cutting chai and there it was - power cut ! that made things better.
all alone in the highway - my bikes headlamp is the only source of light - sky is overcast. things went on getting better. wind speed started to increase, only adding to my pleasure. followed by brilliant flashes of lighning and suddering sounds of thunder. just imagine - dark road, overcast sky, not cool breeze but brilliant gale, sense of being pushed aside, streaks of lightning ahead of me and wet road in front of me. i felt am chasing storms. completely drenched by then, owe it to showers accompanied by hailstones. for the nth time, i realised the importance of the wiper on the visor of my helmet.
amidst all this, i was feeling happy internally. all the turbulance had subsided. all the things were sorted out and things were in places. this type of happiness is what i usually long for. i generally get this when am amidst nature and when nature shows itself in full form. be it clicking or be it riding - i find this happiness and i long for this. there are not many times i have found this type of happiness. so i call it "bliss".
reached home at 2330 hrs, drenched and tired. got warnings as to not to try for this type of happiness again.
i do not plan to ride this way in the near future.
but, what a ride !!!
personally speaking , jo bhi tha, accha tha !
Thursday, April 22, 2010

wish life was a simple as tossing a coin - heads or tails. black or white. 0 or 1. good or bad.
life has this - shades of gray. innumerable shades between black and white. just as innumerable values between 0 and 1.what is not good need not be bad - what is not bad need not be good. they just differ from what is good/bad by certain shades of gray.
May be that is what which makes life the way it is.
No wonder fuzzy logic was inspired by this. :)

colors make life beautiful. but, its only when these frills are removed, the true expressions are revealed - Power of Shades of Gray.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

summer showers are fun. after scorching heat in the month of march, the mere sight of clouds gives lot of happiness. dark clouds in the late evenings, amazing flashes of lightning, window pane shattering thunders - riding the bike fully drenched - pricking raindrops on face - and garam chai at the bakery here - life is fun. worth living :)

Coming to clouds - clouds are of different types. the mere sight of certain type of clouds - ppl feel happy. i keep staring at them for hours. some clouds change and some dont. some clouds which made me feel happy, annoys me. be it change in speed, shape or color - say its change in property annoys me. nyways, every cloud is a passing cloud. the annoying cloud will also pass. so does the cloud which dint change and so does the cloud which offered the silver lining.
passing clouds !!!
replace clouds with ppl :)

(bridge is above this :p)
the flowing water under the bridge is under the bridge for a very short time. there is a beautiful song by the Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (melodic death metal band of finland) called River Flows Frozen. hope, yet again, that there is some sense.
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