summer showers are fun. after scorching heat in the month of march, the mere sight of clouds gives lot of happiness. dark clouds in the late evenings, amazing flashes of lightning, window pane shattering thunders - riding the bike fully drenched - pricking raindrops on face - and garam chai at the bakery here - life is fun. worth living :)

Coming to clouds - clouds are of different types. the mere sight of certain type of clouds - ppl feel happy. i keep staring at them for hours. some clouds change and some dont. some clouds which made me feel happy, annoys me. be it change in speed, shape or color - say its change in property annoys me. nyways, every cloud is a passing cloud. the annoying cloud will also pass. so does the cloud which dint change and so does the cloud which offered the silver lining.
passing clouds !!!
replace clouds with ppl :)

(bridge is above this :p)
the flowing water under the bridge is under the bridge for a very short time. there is a beautiful song by the Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (melodic death metal band of finland) called River Flows Frozen. hope, yet again, that there is some sense.
The lightning shot is awesome! Amazing timing... And yeah, nice song! :-)
thanks mate
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