I experienced the "bliss" on friday night. i can recollect the journey to a ms. the main reason for this post is the .......... i donno what to say. my intution simply tells me to write ahead.
the second leg of the journey when i felt "bliss", the ambience was scary, i mean to say it was not comfortable for the ride. dark, lightning, thunders, rain. nature was concerned enough not to scare me much :).
i felt this "bliss", when it was this scary, when nature was not in its full form. i simply wonder as to how scary it should be when nature shows its full form.
no wonder lord krishna took back the memory of arjuna after giving him the sight of Vishwaroopa.
ps : it was such a situation that i dint want to take a photograph and i dont regret not taking a photograph :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
last week, my mind was a little too turbulant. felt the thoughts were having Re >6000. not that, i have laminar flow of thoughts always, but this time the turbulance was different. felt, this has to be cut or this will tear me apart. as my cousin says, that my ideas are generally insane, so was this. decided to go home ( i do this almost everyweek end and this is perfectly sane ) on my bike (done this almost 15 times now - pretty sane) at night ( now, this is what ppl termed as insane ! ).
left my place at marathalli at 7 PM only to find that ring road had a big jam, extending till HSR layout. if i had a loaf of bread, there was ample of jam. jokes apart, the traffic condition was pathetic. somehow, managed to reach the junction of mysore road and it was 2115 hrs. 2 hrs 15 min for a 27 km ride. phew, was sweatting and loosing patience, big time!
highway was pretty cool. riding in the dark ( done this before on a 4 wheeler ) is nice. cool breez soothes. it feels awesome.
i reached maddur at about 2230 hrs and it was pretty cold. hands were too numb to press the clutch. so, stopped for cutting chai and there it was - power cut ! that made things better.
all alone in the highway - my bikes headlamp is the only source of light - sky is overcast. things went on getting better. wind speed started to increase, only adding to my pleasure. followed by brilliant flashes of lighning and suddering sounds of thunder. just imagine - dark road, overcast sky, not cool breeze but brilliant gale, sense of being pushed aside, streaks of lightning ahead of me and wet road in front of me. i felt am chasing storms. completely drenched by then, owe it to showers accompanied by hailstones. for the nth time, i realised the importance of the wiper on the visor of my helmet.
amidst all this, i was feeling happy internally. all the turbulance had subsided. all the things were sorted out and things were in places. this type of happiness is what i usually long for. i generally get this when am amidst nature and when nature shows itself in full form. be it clicking or be it riding - i find this happiness and i long for this. there are not many times i have found this type of happiness. so i call it "bliss".
reached home at 2330 hrs, drenched and tired. got warnings as to not to try for this type of happiness again.
i do not plan to ride this way in the near future.
but, what a ride !!!
personally speaking , jo bhi tha, accha tha !
left my place at marathalli at 7 PM only to find that ring road had a big jam, extending till HSR layout. if i had a loaf of bread, there was ample of jam. jokes apart, the traffic condition was pathetic. somehow, managed to reach the junction of mysore road and it was 2115 hrs. 2 hrs 15 min for a 27 km ride. phew, was sweatting and loosing patience, big time!
highway was pretty cool. riding in the dark ( done this before on a 4 wheeler ) is nice. cool breez soothes. it feels awesome.
i reached maddur at about 2230 hrs and it was pretty cold. hands were too numb to press the clutch. so, stopped for cutting chai and there it was - power cut ! that made things better.
all alone in the highway - my bikes headlamp is the only source of light - sky is overcast. things went on getting better. wind speed started to increase, only adding to my pleasure. followed by brilliant flashes of lighning and suddering sounds of thunder. just imagine - dark road, overcast sky, not cool breeze but brilliant gale, sense of being pushed aside, streaks of lightning ahead of me and wet road in front of me. i felt am chasing storms. completely drenched by then, owe it to showers accompanied by hailstones. for the nth time, i realised the importance of the wiper on the visor of my helmet.
amidst all this, i was feeling happy internally. all the turbulance had subsided. all the things were sorted out and things were in places. this type of happiness is what i usually long for. i generally get this when am amidst nature and when nature shows itself in full form. be it clicking or be it riding - i find this happiness and i long for this. there are not many times i have found this type of happiness. so i call it "bliss".
reached home at 2330 hrs, drenched and tired. got warnings as to not to try for this type of happiness again.
i do not plan to ride this way in the near future.
but, what a ride !!!
personally speaking , jo bhi tha, accha tha !
Thursday, April 22, 2010

wish life was a simple as tossing a coin - heads or tails. black or white. 0 or 1. good or bad.
life has this - shades of gray. innumerable shades between black and white. just as innumerable values between 0 and 1.what is not good need not be bad - what is not bad need not be good. they just differ from what is good/bad by certain shades of gray.
May be that is what which makes life the way it is.
No wonder fuzzy logic was inspired by this. :)

colors make life beautiful. but, its only when these frills are removed, the true expressions are revealed - Power of Shades of Gray.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

summer showers are fun. after scorching heat in the month of march, the mere sight of clouds gives lot of happiness. dark clouds in the late evenings, amazing flashes of lightning, window pane shattering thunders - riding the bike fully drenched - pricking raindrops on face - and garam chai at the bakery here - life is fun. worth living :)

Coming to clouds - clouds are of different types. the mere sight of certain type of clouds - ppl feel happy. i keep staring at them for hours. some clouds change and some dont. some clouds which made me feel happy, annoys me. be it change in speed, shape or color - say its change in property annoys me. nyways, every cloud is a passing cloud. the annoying cloud will also pass. so does the cloud which dint change and so does the cloud which offered the silver lining.
passing clouds !!!
replace clouds with ppl :)

(bridge is above this :p)
the flowing water under the bridge is under the bridge for a very short time. there is a beautiful song by the Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (melodic death metal band of finland) called River Flows Frozen. hope, yet again, that there is some sense.
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