Wednesday, October 6, 2010


thoughts are cluttered yet again.
lets say, there is a thought. this thought can become a reality. or it might not. so, the probability of that thought becoming a reality is 50%. mind is like railway locomotive (diesel). i need to be precise here. :) diesel locos are put to halt only when they are decommissioned or when they are under repairs. else, the loco is always idling, if not pulling a train of coaches or wagons behind. like wise, brain also never comes to rest and thoughts are always in process.
now, with probability of 50% as starting point, thoughts build and it might take a certain higher value. when reality arrives, this thought which is at a higher value, has to take value of 0 or 1. reaching 1 is not difficult as it has already reached it or some where near it. reaching 0 is a problem as it has to come all the way down and if its not possible, then system may collapse.
so, to prevent the system from collapsing,  its better not to fuzzify things, even though life is fuzzy - things which are not white are not black. there are shades of gray. treat the thought with probability of 0 until its 1. certain thoughts can never be in parts. its either there or no there.
but then and but still,
उम्मीद पे दुनिया खायं है!

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