Tuesday, November 8, 2011


pic describing my current state. but it is satyaveer in the pic.
here is the confusion.
all of us want the same thing spiritually, at the end. mukti. mukti from this cycle of birth-death-birth. so many philosophies to guide. yet they are all different in their own ways. these days, there is also a steep rise in the hindu religious fanaticism and the sole purpose of following a particular path is missing. absolutely. 
now, i dont know how to put my confusion.
yet here i am.

dwaita says

यदि नमपरो न भवेत् श्री हरी 
      कथमस्य वशेत जगातेदभूत |
यदि नमनतस्य वशे सकलं 
      कथामेवत नित्य सुखं न भवेत ||

advaita says

|| अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि ||

people have followed both. achieved their goals. yet there is this difference. why so ? 


Unknown said...

I dont think that all 3 ways (dhwaita,adwaita,vishitadwaita) are different.They are more to guide you in spirituality , in what ever way and ideas,you are comfortable with.It is my perception..:)..

deshpande said...

agreed. That is way of guiding the mere mortals to realize their goals. these when employed in religion, they also tend to define what is good and what is bad.
leaving that apart, as i posted, principally, why are they different ?
why does one school say "I am Brahman" and another "Paramatma and Jeevatma are different"